Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Its here and all that happen was i got up and went to work. I tore the last month off the calendar hanging by my desk. 2013. Thirteen. Good, i like that number. I like where this is going.

At lunch i went to my truck, opened the hatch back and pulled down the tailgate. I hopped in, ate my lunch, read my book. I have an army blanket and pillows back there. A small cooler. Because im always road trip ready. Im parked backed in, up to a tree. A squirrel comes looking for something to eat. I share my pretzels. We stare at each other with not to much to say. "Happy new year. Im hungry." I wonder if he'll drop in tomorrow?

Im curious to know what your zombie contingency plans are?

This year im going to try and write everyday. turning the month on the calendar. Reading a book, having lunch with a squirrel. Zombies. So far its starting out well.

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