Sunday, July 5, 2015

We spent July at the sea and the summer seemed to last forever

whatever this desire i have to sink. 
It's when I feel my body as a vessel
speaking, thinking, thinking, thinking
always learning.
as a blanket of inked skin over bones
one day to be
burned and set out to sea.

and then light pours through 
my window and I fall into
flowers bloom - like a religon
i keep this devotion to falling in love
with every girl
i see.
and everything about money, and work
and happiness seems like
such a lie.
whatever my hands
do to keep from shaking,
Write something she
can take inside of her
and keep secret.
make another promise within
a promise
keeping thinking
skin over bone
keep looking at the tattoos on my
hands, keep hitting the keys-------snap snap snap

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