Sunday, October 5, 2014

Addicted to candy

      “Every parting gives a foretaste of death, every reunion a hint of the resurrection.”
Arthur Schopenhauer

     October - My Birthday month, my Halloween cake, and of certain anniversaries-  The death of us ever being anything but this.. hide and seek words read between the lines.
At least we have our ghosts.
Leave me signs in your poetry - in your photos.
Nightly visits to where I dwell. If I can never have you, then let me feel your presence. Deep. Let me fill your empty bones with hungry words and blood
music. Every road trip, Every night spent beneath the stars, every dirty bed.  I'll think of you with me. fucking like new lovers. some first time feeling
haunting. when I am nothing but uncontrollable. when I need to use every part you.  like every time is the best time. like every time is our last time.
Every birthday i wish for the same thing:
That this spell never ends.      

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